Ever wondered how old your Knight piano is, wondered how many people and how many years ago it was made. Well, its quite simple to date your Knight Piano. The serial number on a Knight piano is usually located on the frame of the piano. Open the top lid of the piano and look at the right-hand side. 
Knight Piano Date Table 
1936-1001 1951-9200 1965-39011 1979-63780 1993-72300 
1937-1149 1952-10900 1966-41006 1980-65000 1994-72601 
1938-1735 1953-12024 1967-42610 1981-65920 1995-72665 
1939-2599 1954-13638 1968-44490 1982-66500 1996-72778 
1940-3588 1955-15443 1969-46249 1983-67350 1997-72900 
1941-4271 1956-17907 1970-47888 1984-67865 1998-73000 
1943-5002 1957-19200 1971-49600 1985-68385 1999-73090 
1944-5101 1958-21603 1972-51200 1986-68900 2000-73165 
1945-5304 1959-23800 1973-53060 1987-69420 2001-73230 
1946-5674 1960-28245 1974-55140 1988-69935 2002-73285 
1947-6168 1961-30049 1975-56870 1989-70450 2003-73334 
1948-6855 1962-31920 1976-58500 1990-70970 
1949-7616 1963-33810 1977-60305 1991-71485 
1950-8420 1964-37260 1978-62010 1992-72000 
We regularly have second hand Knight upright pianos in stock. 
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